
Capstone project information

Project information


npm install -g commitizen // Installs commitizen
npx husky install         // Installs Husky
chmod ug+x .husky/*       // Gives husky executable extension
npm install               // Installs the node modules

Development process

Good luck and happy coding :D

πŸ”¨ Build

To build this project run

Using npm

  npm run build

Using yarn

  yarn build

πŸš€ Deployment

To deploy this project run

  npm run build
  npm run start

Use the following command to run the project in development mode

  npm run dev

πŸš€ Live Demo

Vercel Status

Deployed on Vercel: iDev Therapist

🌡 Branches

We use an agile continuous integration methodology, so the version is frequently updated and development is really fast.

  1. develop is the development branch.

  2. master is the production branch.

  3. No other permanent branches should be created in the main repository, you can create feature branches but they should get merged with the master.

Steps to work with feature branch

  1. To start working on a new feature, create a new branch prefixed with feature and followed by feature name. (ie. feature/featurename-issuenumber)
  2. Once you are done with your changes, you can raise PR.

Steps to create a pull request

  1. Make a PR to develop branch.
  2. Comply with the best practices and guidelines e.g. where the PR concerns visual elements it should have an image showing the effect.
  3. It must pass all continuous integration checks and get positive reviews.
  4. After this, changes will be merged to develop branch.